FEB 27-28, 2015 CHARITY GOLF
Sign-Up's now being accepted for this one of a kind charity event. There is something for everyone - Friday night, Feb. 27th, 2015 we...
Tempo in Golf
Tempo & rhythm is vital in having a good golf swing and gaining more distance.
Exercises for Power Tip: Shoulder Turn & Spine Tilt
Golf Fitness. Achieving the proper shoulder turn for power drives & exercise for the core strength needed to achieve proper spine tilt...
Coaching Baseball for Kids
Yep, I find time to do this when I have the opportunity. Coaching kids that are so eager to learn. I have to admit, it is quite...
Academy Award winner Matthew McConaughey on Golf
He is so right on in this interview. Golf...Life...
Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore
I made it safely to Japan and I have a beautiful room at the Grand Pacific Le Daiba Tokyo with a fantastic view of.....the Statue of...